08 Jun Greenman Arth launches in France
Recently, Abhishek Jha spoke to L’AGEFI about Greenman Arth and its vision for the French market. Read more here:
Greenman is setting out to conquer the French market.
The Irish group led by Johnnie Wilkinson created a real estate management company at the end of 2020 called Greenman Arth, whose objective is to become a key investor in the field of real estate dedicated to food distribution. To lead this new entity, he has recruited Abhishek Jha, ex-vice president at Quilvest Private Equity and investment director at Klepierre.
In France, the management company wants to repeat the recipe that has been successful in Germany. Greenman has been active there since 2008 and has grown from a few million euros under management to almost 900 million, thanks to its 72 shopping centres. About 0.5% of groceries sold in Germany are sold in one of the manager’s properties. The funds raised by its Luxembourg Sicav have the particularity of coming from Irish financial brokers, similar to French asset management advisors.
By Aroun Benhaddou on 28/05/2021 L’AGEFI Quotidien / Edition de 18H